Another Mother Runner Podcast #352 – Featuring Yours Truly & Some Other Badass Single Mommas

In January, I got an email from Another Mother Runner (AMR) that I almost ignored.  I get their newsletter and I admit, I don't always read it (but sometimes I do!).  We are all inundated with the emails from all the things, right? Even things we are interested in.  Anyway, a few days after I... Continue Reading →

New Year, New You,

Well, folks, here we are in 2019.  As Eddie Murphy famously said in Trading Places: "Merry New Year!" We are just a little over a month into the new year and I've had it up to my eyeballs with "New year, New you" and weight loss posts.  Allow me to rant a little - when... Continue Reading →

Keep Moving Forward

As we hit the the end of another year in the life, we all tend to take stock of the last 365 days and turn our eye toward the goals and aspirations for the next year.  For me, I'm seeing this year as less of an isolated set of days and the new year as... Continue Reading →

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